How do I open/download/play the audio files?

The key to downloading tracks is to choose 'save' instead of 'open' since they are zip files. When you log into your account and click on the “My Library” folder just below your name at the top of the page, you will find all the songs you have purchased on the site. Upon clicking on the download icon (circle with the down arrow) and choosing the track you wish to download. You will be asked to agree to the terms of use, and then you will be given an instruction box with a red 'download' button. Please read the instructions and then click the download button, and when asked if you want to save or open, choose save. Once it is saved to your computer, you can open the zip file from where you saved it, and you will see two MP3 files that you can then play. It might be helpful at that point to drag those two MP3 files into your music file. Please note that audio programs like iTunes can't open zip files, which is why you need to take them out of the zip file to play them.
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